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Sachiko Ozawa, Eshelman School of Pharmacy

An analysis of return on investment (ROI) can help policy makers support, optimize, and advocate for the expansion of health programs in the world’s poorest countries. In order to harness the impactful message of the benefits that accompany investments in vaccination programs across the globe, we used a return on investment measure. This method of measurement can be well understood and used by professionals in all fields, especially by policy makers who require evidence to make financial decisions across sectors. We assessed the return on investment associated with achieving projected coverage levels for vaccinations to prevent diseases related to ten antigens in ninety-four low- and middle-income countries during 2011–20, the Decade of Vaccines. We derived these estimates by using costs of vaccines, supply chains, and service delivery and their associated economic benefits. Based on the costs of illnesses averted, we estimated that projected immunizations will yield a net return about 16 times greater than costs over the decade (uncertainty range: 10–25). Using a full-income approach, which quantifies the value that people place on living longer and healthier lives, we found that net returns amounted to 44 times the costs (uncertainty range: 27–67). Across all antigens, net returns were greater than costs. But to realize the substantial positive return on investment from immunization programs, it is essential that governments and donors provide the requisite investments.

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