William Aldridge, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
The North Carolina Divisions of Public Health and Social Services and regional and local foundations are investing in the widespread scale-up of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, an evidence-based system of parenting and family support. Key stakeholders want to know whether community capacity for successful program implementation and optimization is being put in place to increase the likelihood of sustainably achieving targeted population-level outcomes, including reduced child abuse and neglect, out-of-home placements, and child maltreatment injuries. Investigators from the North Carolina Implementation Capacity for Triple P (NCIC-TP) project conducted a two-year evaluation of implementation capacity and outcomes across cross-sector community coalitions in two counties to inform the planning process for impact and sustainability. Following the evaluation, the NCIC-TP team developed an implementation support plan for North Carolina counties scaling Triple P, including an implementation logic model and core practice components for external implementation support that are both grounded in the implementation science literature. The team is currently demonstrating enhanced implementation support in two regions of the state and prototyping quality and outcome measurement processes. The NCIC-TP team has also worked with statewide stakeholders to identify a potential intermediary organization for ongoing Triple P implementation support. Key evaluation and technical assistance findings, models, and lessons from this project will be briefly shared within the lightning format.